
K-Net Computer Services was mandated by the Northern Chiefs in 1994 to fill a gap in the area of computer communications. Since that time the Computer Services department has developed and maintained K-Net, a computer bulletin board and e-mail service with 500 active users among Sioux Lookout District First Nations. Funding for K-Net Services is project-based.

About K-Net:

The Kuhkenah Network (K-Net) provides information and communication technologies (ICTs), telecommunication infrastructure and application support in First Nation communities across a vast, remote region of north-western Ontario as well as in other remote regions in Canada. This private telecommunications network supports the development of online applications that combine video, voice and data services requiring broadband and high-speed connectivity solutions. K-Net is a program of Keewaytinook Okimakanak (KO), a First Nations tribal council established by the leaderships of Deer Lake, Fort Severn, Keewaywin, McDowell Lake, North Spirit Lake and Poplar Hill bands to provide a variety of second level support services for their communities. Kuhkenah is an Oji-Cree term for everyone, everywhere.

Other services provided by K-Net Services:

  • operates a HelpDesk for First Nations schools who are getting Internet access through School-Net
  • established a website for Keewaytinook Okimakanak and member First Nations
  • advocates for full broad band capacity in member communities and in other NAN First Nations
  • develops and maintains computer networking support in member First Nations in and between the Sioux Lookout and Red Lake offices
  • develops and delivers a wide range of training and capacity building programs aimed at strengthening computer and telecommunications expertise at the community level

K-Net Office:

P.O. Box 1439, 115 King Street Sioux Lookout, Ontario P8T 1B9
Tel: (807) 737-1135    Toll Free #: 1-877-737-5638
Fax: (807) 737-1720


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