Donna Roberts Potter R.N., B.N., M.N.
Director of Nursing Services
Ph: 1-807-735-1381 Ext 1331 or 1-800-387-3740 Ext 1331
Fx: 1-807-735-1166
KO Health Services coordinates the delivery of community-based projects and administers regional health programming and services for Keewaytinook Okimakanak communities.
Health Services works in collaboration with the KO Health Advisory Committee (KOHAC) and the member First Nation health staff to support capacity building and ongoing formalized training.
Nurses working in KO transferred communities provide the main point of contact between community members requiring associated medical services and the greater health care system. Currently, Deer Lake First Nation has transferred nursing services from the Federal Government to the KO Tribal Council.
Community Nurses provide primary health care in KO communities at health centres and/or nursing stations. Nurses duties include:
As there is limited access to hospitals and doctors, nurses in KO communities often provide care that requires advanced knowledge, skills and clinical judgment. Community nurses use a holistic, culturally appropriate approach to care for clients requiring treatment for routine, acute and emergency health problems, focusing on:
Director of Nursing Services – Donna Roberts Potter R.N., B.N., M.N.
Associate Director of Nursing Services – Kelly Rae Kabatay, BScN, RN, CDE
Public Health Lead – Linda Fardy
Nurse Practice Consultant – Hazem Sabeh
Community Health Nurses:
Abosede Ayodele
Andrea Lyons
Anirudh Vijayan
Irina Redondo
Juanita Rickard
Judith Thomas
Karen Bennett
Laura Van Aert
Mira Tom
Rebecca Ampadu
Salil Saxena
Theresa Schuurman
Zahra Bhamani
Donna Roberts Potter R.N., B.N., M.N.
Director of Nursing Services
Ph: 1-807-735-1381 Ext 1331 or 1-800-387-3740 Ext 1331
Fx: 1-807-735-1166