Regional Crisis Worker
Donna Wilkins
Social Emergency Planner
Sarah Dunford
Social Emergency Planner, Sarah Dunford is responsible for assessing gaps that exist between community needs and community resources. Much of this pertains to the social determinants of health. The Social Emergency Planner is responsible for creating emergency plans for various eventualities such as evacuations, pandemics, missing people, and sudden deaths. This department also seeks out funding sources to bolster community capacity and resilience.
Donna Wilkins is the Regional Crisis Coordinator, and is based out of Balmertown, ON. The Regional Crisis Coordinator is responsible for liaising with the Crisis Coordinators within each KO community. When emergencies arise within the KO communities, the community crisis coordinators are the main point of contact within their respective communities. The Regional Crisis Coordinator works in conjunction with the community Crisis Coordinators and the Social Emergency Planner to mobilize efficient responses to any sort of emergency or crisis that might arise within our 6 KO communities.
While in Community, needs are assessed and handled with urgency, care and respect to the people who are affected.
Our team often works alongside other departments at KO to implement plans and to help achieve plans to respond effectively
Regional Crisis Worker
Donna Wilkins
Social Emergency Planner
Sarah Dunford